Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Letters on a wall

Here are a few pics of how I have used our last name "W" initial around our home. My newest one was a find for $5 at Ross last night. (oh, how I love Ross) I like the way it looks with my newly painted hutch (see other posts)

We moved out here with such short notice that had to rent. We are planning on buying a house next wait until you see all this with some wall color!

Here is a "W" in a photo grouping. This was found at home depot in the house letters section on clearance by my in laws. They knew I would figure out something to do with it. They know me so well.

Want to make it more personal? You can buy the cardboard letters at Michaels/Hobby Lobby and cover them with scrapbook paper. I had been considering doing this with a black and white damask pattern for my dining area, but this larger black letter will do for now.


  1. My friend Angie does a lot of things w/ R (since her last name starts w/ R. Your W's look cool too...but I don't know if T is such a cool looking letter to do things w/...What do you think? Maybe you should make me one and then let me see what I think (hint...hint...)

  2. I love this. I'm thinking I could find a lot of K's out there.

  3. Really good ideas and tips for decorating and saving some serious cash. I love the wall display with the W and the photos.
    Holly @
