Friday, September 11, 2009


I am thinking this blog is going to turn into something else...I started homeschooling my daughter last week. Never say never, because years ago I said I would never do this. God can do works! :) Here are a few pics of our first week that I wanted to share! I can't believe I was so scared to homeschool.

A little history of my homeschooling experience....My parents decided right after Christmas break of my freshman year of high school that they should homeschool me...yeah, that went over REAL well...I hated them for it. I cried every morning I heard my bus drive by. What was this social butterfly to do?!? Ahh her school work, then slip into her room to "study" (which was really turning on my TV to watch The View and other soap operas) So of course I said I would never homeschool.....

I have been such an emotional wreck these days with the fact that I moved 2000 miles away from everything I ever knew and am now in Southern California as a "nobody"....

Having school time has been such a blessing. I feel so organized and focused (for now, hee hee) I mean I totally love life out here (hello?! we have Disneyland passes!!!), but I miss my friends so much, and I find myself longing for them daily, hourly, minutely (is that a word?) I also signed up for MOPS and am very excited to meet other mothers in my area.

Reading....we are using the McGuffy series (old school)

Mud painting for art...we used cotton balls and Qtips...this was their favorite this week!

A visit to the new Library! (our new fav place)

The beginning of our own ABC book. We do a letter each day, then cut pictures out of magazines that begin with that letter.
Text Color


  1. I think this is still very "DIY." You are so creative and will share wonderful ideas w/ other HS moms and help them be brave enough to break out of the mold of their curriculum and just help them to see they can "DIY." :)

  2. wow i'm so blessed that you commented on my blog! otherwise i would not have found your awesome blog! thanks

  3. I am starting homeschooling this year as well. It is such a scary decision huh? Well I am starting when your parents did, with my high schooler.She seems to be enjoying it though thank goodness! We actually like it enough that I am thinking about bringing my son who is in 5th grade home as well! Good luck with your adventure. It looks like you are doing a great job already! Can't wait to read more about your experiences!


  4. Looks like you have a wonderful "classroom." I keep contemplating homeschooling...I am not sure I am "brave" enough. I look forward to hearing about the school year.
